Sunday, October 24, 2010

Tom Horner, Tom Emmer and Mark Dayton

Mark Dayton says:
“I know how to help create jobs with good wages and benefits for Minnesotans in tough economic times.”

Tom Emmer says:
“Democrats in this state are unwilling to solve our budget problems by reforming the way state government works. They are unwilling to change a system that sees increased wages for state employees while wages in the private sector decline. They are unwilling to change a system that has expensive health care plans for state government while most families are concerned about their health care costs and access. They are unwilling to change a system that provides generous retirement benefits for government employees while the rest of us are watching our 401ks move up and down with the market and wonder whether we can afford to retire.

Tom Horner says:
“I bring a wealth of experience. I am a business owner, co-founding and operating a successful business, a recognized leader in its field. I understand what it takes to recruit and retain top talent and to provide good pay and benefits (I’m proud that in our 20 years, we’ve never laid off a person due to the economy). I know what it takes to manage a successful business in Minnesota, to build partnerships with some of the state’s best-known businesses and the companies that will be the household names of tomorrow.’

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